
由Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects设计

直到四年前,HU应用科学大学(HU 应用科学大学)于 1995 年通过合并几个以前独立的机构而成立,它分布在荷兰乌得勒支的约 30 座建筑中。 该大学优先将其足迹整合到乌得勒支科学园园区的五栋相邻建筑中,施密特·哈默·拉森建筑师的新建筑是五栋即将完工的建筑中的最后一座。 海德堡15号楼是经济、管理、信息传播和技术以及媒体和通信领域的8个教育机构的所在地。


HU 应用科学大学是一项空间设计挑战,每天有 5,800 多名学生、教职员工和访客在 3,000 平方米的建筑占地面积内穿移。

The use of color is demonstrated on the exterior façade that features neutrally-colored anodized aluminum cladding, with one color dissolving into the next to create a gentle patchwork effect.

大学内部的白色、白色和木材配色方案带有一波又一波的图表,将横贯中庭的三部自动扶梯排成一排。 外部和内部由铝包层的摩尔纹连接,不仅在外立面,而且在内部楼梯上都可以找到。

In order to create a social gathering place and bring natural daylight deep into the heart of the building, we placed meeting and study rooms around the atrium so that it came to function as a vertical city hall that connects to the city square of the ground floor.
The perforation on the staircases play a role in the acoustics of the space, and beneath them are sound absorption materials that dampen the noise made by the thousands of people that use the building daily.