Bringing to life a new generation of campus environments.
Austin Community College Highland Campus, Phase II

Austin Community College Highland Campus, Phase II
Austin, Texas
University of Washington Life Sciences Building

University of Washington Life Sciences Building
Seattle, Washington
Bowie State University, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center

Bowie State University, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center
Bowie, Maryland
University of Victoria Student Housing and Dining

University of Victoria Student Housing and Dining
Victoria, British Columbia
Eastern Washington University, Pence Union Building

Eastern Washington University, Pence Union Building
Cheney, Washington
Bowling Green State University, College of Business Maurer Center

Bowling Green State University, College of Business Maurer Center
Bowling Green, Ohio
Western Washington University, Kaiser Borsari Hall

Western Washington University, Kaiser Borsari Hall
Bellingham, Washington
University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Connie and Kevin Chou Hall

University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Connie and Kevin Chou Hall
Berkeley, California
Fleming College, Kawartha Trades and Technology Centre

Fleming College, Kawartha Trades and Technology Centre
Peterborough, Ontario
Western University, Weldon Library Revitalization

Western University, Weldon Library Revitalization
London, Ontario
Simon Fraser University, Student Union Building

Simon Fraser University, Student Union Building
Burnaby, British Columbia
York University, School of Continuing Studies

York University, School of Continuing Studies
Toronto, Ontario
Wenzhou Kean University, Student Learning Activity Center

Wenzhou Kean University, Student Learning Activity Center
Whenzhou, China
HU University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

HU University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Humber College, Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation

Humber College, Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation
Toronto, Ontario
University of Manchester, Engineering Campus Development and Oddfellows Hall

University of Manchester, Engineering Campus Development and Oddfellows Hall
Manchester, United Kingdom
UC Law San Francisco The Academe at 198

UC Law San Francisco The Academe at 198
San Francisco, California
Victoria, British Columbia
333,681 square feet
Bowling Green, Ohio
77,882 square feet
Berkeley, California
74,000 square feet
Peterborough, Ontario
87,000 square feet
Designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
240,143 square feet
Manchester, United Kingdom
914,932 square feet