1 6 月, 2018


Perkins&Will passionately explored innovative methods for bringing an optimal, modern workplace environment into a building that sat vacant for 22 years when we made the recent move into the renovated Dallas High School. Presented with the unique opportunity to design a space for architects and designers, we focused on features that truly transform the workplace and will continue to influence our client work. We were able to walk the talk, so to speak, of what we recommend for ideal work environments, and we have turned into reality some of the latest in office design.

Welcome to our new (old) Dallas home.

Incorporate and Support Company Culture in the Space

We strived to create an environment that exemplifies design excellence through capturing the legacy of one of the largest offices of a global architecture and design firm, the vibrancy of our culture in Dallas and the spirit of innovation we bring to our work. We sought an iconic location to highlight a firm-wide commitment to sustainability and reuse, employee wellness and a forward-thinking workplace design, which led us to select the former Dallas High School as our new home.

The alignment of the buildings features with the core beliefs of our firm, including the sustainable repurposing of an existing structure, walkability, and proximity to mass transit, sealed the deal for our relocation to the high school. Even more, we built out the new office to be a living lab, allowing us to implement processes and experience designs firsthand in a way that directly applies to improving clients projects and reshaping the corporate landscape.

To foster company culture, the final space brings an environment that supports our values in the way we want to work: offering visual accessibility, providing breakout spaces, encouraging circulation, integrating technology and providing a venue for unique events through adaptable spaces. For example, the former school auditorium now serves as a multi-functional space that accommodates large office meetings, including balcony seating, continuing education classes and after hours banquet events.

Allow for Flexibility and Adaptability

In todays fast-paced, constantly evolving workplace, its essential that offices are designed with flexibility and adaptability in mind to ensure new spaces stand the test of time. In our case, workspace areas are designed with a variety of seating types and collaboration areas, largely open concept with private huddle rooms and conference spaces to suit different needs. We have incorporated pinnable wall space, sit-to-stand desks, flexible shelving and islands to accommodate employees preferred working styles and easy walk-up collaboration. Critical to the success of these multi-functional spaces that are highly collaborative is the acoustic performance of the space; we are exploring economical solutions we can bring to our clients in similar environments.

In addition to studio workstations, different types of breakout spaces provide a mix of activity, quiet, social, private, collaborative, and restorative zones. The main area serves as the reception and lobby space, as well as a multipurpose spot for daily collaboration, continuing education lectures and large functions.

作为一个灵活的办公室,习惯于不断变化的需求和环境,我们也正在增加更多的席位,目前,我们最近欢迎新的同事从lauck集团,在3月收购。 幸运的是,我们已经想了一样,甚至买了相同的家具系统,不知道我们伟大的头脑认为一样!


快乐、健康、有灵感的员工与提高生产力和创造力之间的联系是显而易见的。 为了加强公司可持续发展、健康和健康的核心价值观,该办公室被设计为首个获得三个第三方认证的建筑:LEED 白金、WELL 建筑标准金和Fitwel 3 星级。 鼓励身体健康,新空间有100%的坐到站工作站,每个工作室都有可共享的办公桌周期,员工可以免费租用自行车,我们提供一个新鲜的市场,精心策划的膳食,小吃和饮料选项,强调全谷物,降低钠和糖的含量。


鉴于自然光对昼夜节律和整体健康的重要性,86%的占用空间获得直接日光,95%的空间有户外景观。 为了获得最高级别的舒适度,每位员工都可以在六度范围内调整自己的恒温器,并控制办公桌上的照明。 在库中,照明可以调整以覆盖所有色温,因此设计人员可以彻底评估材料选项。

我们真正希望能够向客户展示实现这些评级系统的经验,并掌握经验和经验教训。 我们还定期跟踪员工满意度,以显示投资的回报。


选择占据这样一座具有悠久历史的地标性建筑,是加深我们在充满活力的达拉斯社区根基的自觉决定。 与珀金斯和威尔斯30周年的上市同时,新办公室是成为达拉斯市中心面料的一部分,为该地区的重建做出贡献的绝佳机会。

选择新的办公地点或翻新现有办公室是庆祝您的文化并吸引员工的绝好机会。 寻找突出企业文化、允许变革、关心员工和在社区中建立联系的方法,将积极塑造最终设计,让您的办公室始终处于工作场所环境的最前沿。


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