Mark Joyner
Mark is technical at heart. As soon as he discovered that things could come apart, he became fascinated with how to put them back together. Today, his professional portfolio is composed of a wide range of academic-science buildings—projects that span various Science & Technology program types for higher education, federal, and private developers, integrating the complex technical needs of research facilities with human-centered spaces. He attributes his success to his curiosity, humility, and rigor, as well as his ability to absorb the pressure of high-stakes environments. Also a mentor at his core, he is committed to supporting the next generation of technical leadership in the studio.
Mark learned to lead projects with confidence from his own mentor, Dan Watch, with whom he also learned to set ambitious goals. In almost two decades with the studio’s Science & Technology practice, he has only ever known one objective: to deliver the best science buildings in the world. To get there, he encourages every team to be fearless in meeting a client’s needs and vision, but also to be prepared. When a client’s needs change, the team will need to recalibrate quickly. Confidence comes not from knowing every answer, but from knowing his teams are ready to solve those challenges as they arise.
And then there is the why. Mark makes sure to keep the purpose of every project in clear view, because knowing the why brings forward the most intelligent solutions for mission-driven spaces.