Paul Rice

Principal, Design Principal, Shanghai

Paul was brought up in the north of Ireland, the eldest son of two teachers. Rural childhood holidays established his fascination with architecture and the unique ways he sees buildings formally imposing themselves in the landscape. The importance of the lasting relationship between the work we design and the natural environment remains at the forefront of Paul’s approach to building design.

For much of his professional career, Paul has moved between the United Kingdom and Asia. A lifelong itch to travel eventually led him to Shanghai, which is now home. Paul’s interest in the development of a viable public realm, as part of the rapid process of urbanization, is one field where he believes an architect working in China can make a lasting social contribution.

“We designers are an extremely fortunate group, for what we do clearly has the chance to profoundly influence the lives of those around us.”
Paul Rice
This proposal for a 1500-bed public hospital is a phased replacement of an existing healthcare facility on a tight urban site in central Xi'an.
Xi’an Xi Dian Hospital
Xi'an, China
Seven academic buildings form part of a larger 850,000m2 masterplan.
Academic Buildings, Zhengzhou Institute of Finance & Economics
Zhengzhou, China
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University
Hangzhou, China
Paul at work
From a very early age, Paul only ever wanted to be an architect, carefully laying town-planning blocks across the floor at home. This was a goal that his parents fully supported but noted he needed to be able to spell the word correctly before launching into a design career.

Paul's Featured Work

shenzhen longhua - rendering
Shenzhen People’s Hospital Longhua Branch
Shenzhen, China
river view
PetroChina Advanced Materials Research Institute
Shanghai, China
American International School of Guangzhou Science Park Campus
Guangzhou, China
Duke Kunshan University Phase II Campus
Kunshan, China