
University of Kansas Integrated Sciences Building

Lawrence, Kansas
Science on Display

This building represents a paradigm shift in science education and research. When the University of Kansas decided to create a new facility, they needed a platform for a modernized educational culture. Our design is a harmonious mixture of research laboratories and social spaces linked together to maximize undergraduate engagement with faculty and researchers.

We worked closely with KU to create a continuation of a new standard that upholds the rich history of the campus, while creating an evocative and forward-thinking atmosphere. Our design solution aspires to be both literally and figuratively transparent by inviting students into the building, and blurring the lines between building and landscape.


Dedication to the traditions of KU and a commitment to well-being spurred the incorporation of the Jayhawk Trail, a pedestrian pathway running through the entire KU campus. The trail was incorporated into the plan of the complex and creates a strong link tying the campus, students, faculty, and staff together.

Lecture Hall
We believe transparency encourages more participation in STEM-based disciplines by putting important work on display and making teaching and research labs comfortable, naturally-lit places to learn and work.
We moved the teaching labs above the first floor and created an inverted classroom pyramid into the design. By elevating these labs to be collocated on the same floor plate with the research labs, students are now circulating through prime research space and seeing what the experience is like for other students first hand.
The design showcases science on display to inspire and encourage discovery for aspiring STEM students.

Project Team

Ed Cordes
Ed Cordes
Jeffrey R. Zynda
Jeffrey R. Zynda