Jose Bofill

Associate Principal, Science and Technology, Miami

A South Florida native, Jose Bofill finds a feeling of “home” far beyond the four walls of a house. The designer spent most of his childhood outdoors, surrounded by lush greenery and the wide expanse of the Atlantic Ocean—and he believes design and technology can work together to protect this home.

Jose grew up in a creative family, and his grandmother, a painter and sculptor, instilled a sense of wonder and curiosity in him from a young age. He discovered his passion for architecture in its mix of technical potential and artful expression, and has been investigating that connection for over 20 years with our Miami studio. His projects are not only beautiful, but technically advanced and always designed with the future of the environment in mind.

Miami’s subtropical climate is one of the most unique in the U.S., and so is its culture. By bringing his creative skill as well as his family’s Cuban heritage to the studio with him every day, Jose is deeply rooted in Miami culture and intimately familiar with the local environmental challenges that the city faces. Under his leadership, the studio has focused on supporting cross-cultural connections in the community and integrating sustainability into the very core of the design process.

“Human beings don’t exist alone. Nature was here first. We need harmony between the built and natural environments.”
L’Oréal Research & Innovation Center
L’Oréal Research & Innovation Center
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Clean and Conserve

The power and beauty of water informs Jose’s approach to designing with water conservation front and center. The L’Oreal Research and Innovation Center project is located on a peninsula off the Brazilian coast in the middle of a polluted bay. To restore to the beautiful landscape, Jose designed a custom series of Filtering Gardens that both capture rain and process all waste water from the building. Clean water is sustainably harvested this way for irrigation, kitchens and bathrooms, as well as drinking, and then cleaned again for release back into the ocean. A model of environmental responsibility, it’s one way that Jose achieved his goal of giving back to nature.

The Power of Language

Working in Miami and frequently partnering with our São Paulo studio in Brazil, Jose understands the culture-crossing power of language. Fluent in both Spanish and English, he was able to quickly add a third language to his list, picking up Portuguese in his spare time. Holding meetings in the client’s or a coworker’s first language allows Jose to connect with them on a more personal level and understand the true vision for a project.

Jose's Featured Work

L’Oréal Research & Innovation Center
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Florida International University Stempel Complex
Miami, Florida