Scott Gorenc

Principal, Aviation, Dallas

From his earliest days as an architect, Scott knew he wanted to design meaningful public projects—sources of identity and community pride. An avid baseball fan, he pictured a career in sports design. Instead, he found his mission easily translatable to aviation and the idea that airports, as gateways to cities, can be powerful civic symbols in their own right.

With a father in the Air Force, Scott has been surrounded by planes and aviation themes his whole life. Change was another constant, as he grew up on the move, living everywhere from England to Japan. The globetrotting continues, though rather than navigating airports around the world, Scott’s designing them—and helping his team anticipate the future of transportation.

He wants the passenger experience to be more inviting and intuitive. His mind is always on the end user, and he genuinely loves the work. In Scott’s view, if you’re not enjoying it, why do it?

“Our work greatly influences the human experience—therefore we have a responsibility to the community to create a positive environment. Any solution we put forward must serve the larger purpose, support the entire ecosystem.”
Scott with his son at Dallas's annual Form Follows Fitness 5k, benefitting the Architecture and Design Exchange
fun fact
Scott collects vinyl records, specifically movie soundtracks.