Rendering of report cover and spread.
Rendering of report cover.

Designing for Future Mobility

Vancouver, British Columbia
A framework for Design

With the emergence of self-driving, connected, shared, and electric vehicles, a technologically-driven shift in transportation is changing the way we move and live in cities. These technologies will profoundly change the way we plan, design, and build infrastructure—but their impacts on livability and urban design are currently not well understood.

It is critical that we take the initiative to understand and shape the future of mobility in a positive and purposeful way. By focusing on people instead of technology, and acting immediately, we are optimistic that future mobility technologies can support a more livable future city.

Through an internal research grant, we are working to re-frame the conversation by focusing on livable city goals. We have created guiding principles and proactive, present day design opportunities that can be used by planners, designers and policy makers to ensure our future cities will be safer, healthier, happier, and more sustainable places to live.

Download the report.

Future Mobility Principles
We propose a values-based people-first approach focusing on how we move people, creating social spaces, promoting healthy lifestyles, and prioritizing a cleaner environment.
Image graphic outlining the four future mobility principles.
Diagram illustrating future parking typology principles.
Reimagining parking
Finding ways to reduce, re-use, and think creatively about how and where vehicles are stored means more space for less-expensive housing and recreational space for people.
Rendering of Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles showing a vibrant, multi-modal future.
Reprogramming the future street
By focusing on active transportation and high-frequency mass transit, we can move more people while supporting a higher quality of life.

Project Team

Aaron Knorr