John Long

Principal, Higher Education, San Francisco

It was during his seventh grade English class that John realized that he wanted to become an architect. He still has his original hand-written essay that explores his interest in automobile design and buildings. Establishing architecture as his passion early on, John sees opportunities for design excellence in everything – from the daily choices we make to the decisions that inform design process and design outcomes for our clients.

John’s design perspective has been shaped by a life lived near water–from the Chesapeake Bay, to the Narragansett Bay, the Tyrrhenian Sea to the San Francisco Bay. He is acutely aware of context, both natural and urban, and how buildings respond to their environmental setting. A leader in higher education design, John collaborates with institutions and their constituents to produce places of enduring value.

A longtime Bay Area resident, John continues to take inspiration from his everyday life. He enjoys playing guitar, traveling with his wife and two children, and experiencing new places, events, and cultures–both afar and in his own backyard.

One of the Country's Greenest Academic Buildings

John led the design of the new Connie & Kevin Chou Hall at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Chou Hall is one of the country’s greenest academic buildings, having earned TRUE Zero Waste certification at the highest possible level, along with LEED Platinum certification for its energy efficient design and operation.

The Ferry Building
The Ferry Building is described by the American Planning Association as "the quintessential picture of elegance." The building has a storied history — from bustling hub to defunct relic hidden behind a freeway to rebirth as the home of the city's favorite foodie market. With 10,000 commuters passing through and tens of thousands more flocking to the farmers market three days a week, not to mention the tourists who put it at the top of their must-see lists, the Ferry Building is central to life in San Francisco.
“Great design is an expression of its place, culture and use and endures the test of time. I seek and apply opportunities for exceptional design every day – this is the source of my inspiration.”

John's Featured Work

University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Connie and Kevin Chou Hall
University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Connie and Kevin Chou Hall
Berkeley, California
UC Law San Francisco The Academe at 198 UCLaw_Academe 198 Hero
UC Law San Francisco The Academe at 198
San Francisco, California