Maha Sabra
Maha was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and by the time she was eight years old, she had found her passion for architecture. That’s when her father and his business partner, planning to invest in a multi-complex project, brought a scaled model to Maha’s home. When Maha saw the model, she became intrigued with every detail. She spent all day studying it, and when she was told an architect created it, she promptly declared that she would be an architect. That is exactly what she became.
Growing up, Maha traveled all over the world and, later as an architect, she delivered design on nearly every continent. Her worldly experiences fed her passion for architecture and granted her a unique perspective. She witnessed great design achievements by many different cultures and quickly realized the world desires a strong sense of community, driven and supported by the built space. All cultures create and design, but Maha appreciates that we all may have different processes. This perspective and awareness drive her to seek multi-faceted solutions for projects, not just in design success but in ensuring technical perfection and financial health.