University of New Mexico Innovate ABQ Master Plan
The Rio Grande River isn’t the only thing flowing through Albuquerque. Turns out, innovation and collaboration are a natural part of the landscape, too.
Thanks to a unique partnership between the city and its university, Albuquerque is poised to attract tomorrow’s researchers and entrepreneurs. And speaking of attractions, their teamwork and vision of the future got us hooked on the project.
Because of our past work with “innovation districts” we were invited to take a look at 7 sites in the city to help identify which area could be “the place” for regional revitalization.
We also spent a lot of time listening to the community and ultimately decided the land just past the commuter train corridor was perfect. It connected a cool, historical area to the university and downtown. Additionally, the area comes with a flexible urban framework, physical and social assets, and multiple modes of transit. Win, win, win.
The plan has been called “collaborative and interconnected,” which we think is the perfect complement to the people of the Albuquerque.
Rob Del Campo, Interim Dean, University College, University of New Mexico