Congratulations to Mark Walsh on his induction into the American Institute of Architect’s (AIA) College of Fellows. The AIA’s highest and most selective membership honor is bestowed upon architects who have made significant contributions to the profession—and society—through design excellence. Only 3% of AIA members have earned this distinction.

Mark considers himself a “small-picture” designer who understands that the most accessible, innovative, and elegant projects only emerge from attention to the smallest details. That approach has influenced award-winning projects spanning healthcare, higher education, sports and recreation, mixed-use, and more–from Rush University Medical Center to the Case Western Reserve University Tinkham Veale University Center to the Northwestern University Ryan Walter Athletics Center and Northtown Library and Public Housing.
His work on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sherman Elgin Alternate Care Facility outside Chicago for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers showed how a COVID-19 care unit could be designed, built, and ready for occupancy in just 25 days–a model for architect and contractor collaboration. Mark’s commitment to raising the importance of technical design has impacted the profession and our communities in his hometown of Chicago and around the globe in areas including building codes, standards, and quality.

As Design Principal and Global Director of Technical Design, Mark is a founding member of our Innovation Incubator, the micro-grant program supporting creative and experimental research projects, and for years has been dedicated to introducing Chicago high school students to the excitement of design careers.