David Dymecki

Principal, Sports, Recreation and Entertainment, Atlanta

The son of an engineer and an artist, David grew up with the perfect combination of influences for an unsuspecting architect: left-brain and right-brain thought processes and problem-solving. He didn’t know it at the time, but architecture was coursing through his veins.

By the time he finished architecture school and began practicing, David—a sports enthusiast—was determined to meld his love for design with his love for athletics. He regularly sought opportunities to design collegiate athletic centers, professional sports arenas, and recreational facilities. Ultimately, his work laid the foundation of our firm’s thriving sports and recreation practice.

Today, David continues to expand our sports and recreation portfolio. Outside work, he and his wife, Nancy, enjoy watching their two children embark on new adventures, take risks, and change the world.

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David addresses the crowd at a recent "think tank" event sponsored by the Atlanta Studio.
Metropolis "Think Tank" 2018
The Snyder Center is comprised of a series of interlocking, transparent, and inviting student activity spaces.
Phillips Academy Andover, Snyder Center, Andover, Massachusetts
"Create something you’re going to be proud of in your lifetime. Always work to make it a classic."
The center promotes student wellness and social interaction.
Northwestern University Ryan/Walter Athletics Center, Evanston, Illinois
Savannah Arena
Savannah, Georgia

One of the largest projects undertaken by the City of Savannah, David and team were tasked with creating a timeless architectural expression that responds to the site in creative, useful ways.

Fun Fact about David

David’s mother was an artist, painter, and textile designer who would create beautiful patterns and sell them as fabric designs. Her paintings and sketches showed up, across the country, in department stores and boutiques as dresses, curtains, and tablecloths! There was a real sense of wonder and excitement as they imagined, “Where would it show up next?”

David's Featured Work

Phillips Academy Snyder Center
Phillips Academy Snyder Center
Andover, Massachusetts
Northwestern University, Ryan Fieldhouse and Walter Athletics Center
Northwestern University, Ryan Fieldhouse and Walter Athletics Center
Evanston, Illinois
Georgia State University, Convocation Center
Georgia State University, Convocation Center
Atlanta, Georgia