Charles River: A Living Shoreline

Allston, Massachusetts
An Accessible Riverfront for All

The Charles riverfront in Allston, Massachusetts is framed by numerous planned development opportunities, with new commuter and Grand Junction rail stations anticipated to dramatically improve connectivity between innovation hubs in Cambridge, Kendall Square, and Boston. However, the developments have collectively ignored the requirements of the Charles River to function as a healthy hydrological ecosystem.

Understanding Context
The Charles River Esplanade is Boston's signature waterfront open space.

Reconstructing the I-90 viaduct where the highway most closely approaches the river holds the potential to expand public access through the park’s most spatially comprised segment. Shifting focus to restoring aquatic health and enhancing connectivity reframed the conversation around ecological and community benefits, building consensus among advocates.

Research, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement revealed the need to reimagine the lower basin of the Charles as a natural, living shoreline.

Our framework plan reinvigorates landscape systems, thus increasing climate change resiliency, mitigating pollutant discharge, and connecting surrounding communities to the riverfront. These distinct yet interwoven goals will be implemented with the strategic implementation of ecological shoreline restoration, enhanced bio-diversity, and the creation of resilient embankments.

Social Resiliency
Curated diverse open spaces and a network of social systems promote access and agency to all.
Environmental Impacts
Reimagining the Charles River edge as a natural living shoreline allows us to cultivate diverse native ecosystems that mitigate the impacts of pollution.
Cultural Resource Mapping
Cultural resources along the Charles River inform its civic identity. We explore how design can reconnect communities with an under utilized portion of the riverbank.
Living Design
Benefitting generations to come.

We employed a scientific and data-driven approach to understand how habitat, ecology, hydrology, mobility, and civic access interconnect and can be productively woven together. On behalf of advocacy groups including the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, local design communities, public agencies, and private institutions, including multiple college and university campuses, this study raises awareness of transportation infrastructure’s potential to address numerous challenges and build consensus holistically.

A template for change that will reinforce the values of social equity.
This solution celebrates the rich history and culture of the Charles River, while renewing and improving its ecological health over time.
What Makes it Cool
The landscape is unique in its potential to create an immersive experience for visitors to appreciate the systems of bioswales, open spaces, and constructed wetlands.

Our framework plan reinvigorates landscape systems, thus increasing climate change resiliency, mitigating pollutant discharge, and connecting surrounding communities to the riverfront.

Project Team

Gautam Sundaram
Gautam Sundaram