Jackson West Medical Center Doral Campus
The design for the Jackson Health System Doral Campus brings the next generation of healthcare facilities closer to presenting as civic and community gathering places. The goal for the project was to transform the way people see hospitals. Through this lens, the campus operates as a place of wellness, healing, and togetherness. The buildings are designed to promote collaboration between primary care physicians and specialists and are planned for flexibility and future expansion to respond to changing technologies, staffing, and patient needs and will serve as a model of care delivery for the Jackson Healthcare System in the future.
The new six-story hospital includes 98 licensed beds with 84 medical surgical beds, eight-bed ICU and six LDRP beds. The diagnostic and treatment areas include an emergency department, imaging services, an interventional platform, laboratory, pharmacy, and additional services. The campus is supported by a 875 car parking facility.

- To epitomize healing by function and by restoring a brownfield site.
- Rehabilitate and improve site hydrology and biological ecosystems.
- Create a restorative outdoor environment for patients, staff and community visitors.
- Optimize for energy and carbon reductions.
- Build from local materials and construction methods.
- Balance site for flood resilience.