Shenzhen People’s Hospital Longhua Branch
Amidst the clamor and bustle of Shenzhen, quiet courtyard gardens and green terraces provide moments of respite and relief. These internal and outdoor spaces create a holistic healing oasis amidst the urban chaos, providing patients with a healthy retreat and helping ease the anxiety of healthcare staff and visitors.
The Shenzhen People’s Hospital takes full advantage of its semi tropical climate in southern China. Our design team located a courtyard garden as the centerpiece of the project. All the principal circulation routes along the internal medical street have views into this garden space, which aids orientation for visitors. In addition to this, the largest green space is an open terrace that has been positioned to allow access for patients from the tower above but also for inpatients and visitors from the podium below.

The expanded and upgraded hospital is envisioned as a healing oasis. This is a hospital that will bring a holistic view of healthy living to patients, staff, visitors by forming a series of interior and exterior gardens and recreational spaces. Sustainable and resilience strategies are incorporated as part of the design to contribute to the future wellbeing of Shenzhen city.

The project design allows for phased development of this city-center site to ensure that the existing hospital building can run without interruption during construction works. The two main buildings are phased during construction as separate blocks in sequence, before being connected on completion. Other parts of the existing facility will be refurbished and demolished as part of the phased development. When fully complete, the design will connect the two phases seamlessly as one integrated healthcare facility with a medical street that runs along the side of the central garden space.