Suzhou Science and Technology Museum
Forming a direct axial link to the Suzhou City high-tech district, the Suzhou Science and Technology Museum reflects Suzhou’s commitment to discovery and innovation, and the harmony that exists between science, technology, nature and man.
Through the use of terraces, outdoor roof gardens, and the overall building form, the new museum is responsive to the context of the site, expressing a modern, forward looking design. Drawing inspiration from the ecology of nature and traditional Chinese elements, the timeless, thoughtful, and visually iconic building embodies the spirit of innovation, exploration and discovery. The industrial exhibition hall celebrates the history and reveals the future of industrial development and how it will shape, influence and enrich people’s lives.
We look from the museum to Lion Mountain for inspiration and a never-ending example of the importance of our Chinese culture to be inspired by the country’s leadership in innovation, technology, science…and a future filled with possibilities.

The roof of the Museum emerges seamlessly from the base of Lion Mountain, transitioning from a natural rocky hillside and forested landscape into a series of sweeping gardens and paths. As the path continues to the top of the building overlook, the woodlands typology transitions from organic garden patterns into technological patterns mixed with photovoltaic receptors balancing industry with nature
The Life Giving Forest provides a sustainable urban frontage that acts as a buffer to the city. Encapsulating the Outer Ring Promenade, a formal Bosque of Trees provides a respite from the sun and creates a space for movement, gathering, and exterior exhibit learning.

At the heart of the museum, the Sunken Courtyard brings daylight into all levels of the museum. A network of green islands link forms to the Eco Islands, weaving the spaces together. The islands within the courtyard accentuate and ripple from the iconic central orb theater and create exterior opportunities for discovery and exploration.
The new Suzhou Science and Technology Museum is designed to minimize its impact on Shishan Park, with the building acting as a learning tool for visitors to observe methods of energy and water conservation, power generation, and occupant comfort and well-being.