We believe in the renewal of buildings and landscapes that have lost their way—not simply because it is the most cost-effective thing to do, but because it is the most sustainable way to build. Environmental vulnerability, carbon neutrality, and supply chain volatility require that our cities reconsider contemporary development. For us, this is a call to reconsider adaptive reuse; we need to expand our ambitions and challenge our preconceptions. Beyond adaptive reuse is a design approach with a broader reach towards placemaking and place keeping. This is Adaptive Transformation.
Historic buildings captivate our imagination. We are passionate about restoring vibrant places that came before us and revealing hidden potential. We approach existing buildings with precision and boldness, rigor and invention, finding the beauty behind the decay and preserving their quality and craft. We aim to breathe life into forgotten places and design meaningful civic, cultural, and community destinations. Existing conditions offer us productive constraints that reposition distressed assets into active, site-specific design solutions.