Geeti Silwal
Geeti grew up in a small, hard-working, steel township in India called Durgapur. As one of four siblings, Geeti attributes her principles of ‘zero waste’ to her humble family upbringing. Her parents have been her greatest inspiration in life. Studying architecture at Jadavpur University in Kolkata and spending her early design years in Delhi, Geeti discovered her intense desire to use the power of good design to positively impact greater number of lives and enable richer daily experiences for the common person. This discovery propelled her to pursue a master’s degree in Urban Design at UC Berkeley.
She believes that urban designers and planners need to be strong advocates of healthy cities. Working to develop a vision for a community’s future, Geeti deems it her fundamental responsibility to put in place a framework for a regenerative, urban environment that promotes the health of the ecosystem, the people, and the economy.
Geeti loves travelling, exploring new cities and getting to know different cultures. She and her husband often embark upon spontaneous trips across the world.