Kathy Wardle
With a family rooted in the Vancouver design and real estate industries, Kathy was exposed to buildings from an early age. However, it was hiking through old growth forests on Vancouver Island and the tropical rainforests of South America that inspired her to pursue a career in environmental resource management and embark on her journey as a sustainable building consultant—an uncharted career path at the time.
During her early days with the studio, her relentless passion for environmental stewardship gained her the title of being the first co-director of the firmwide Sustainable Design Initiative (SDI), which transformed the firm into the leading green practice it is today. Since that time and through leading the studio’s internal research department, she has upheld her strong belief in balancing the protection of our vital ecosystems with the business and aspirations of our clients. Kathy is now the Regional Director of Regenerative Design for Canada, and she is the recipient of the CaGBC Green Building Champion award in 2023.